New Construction – a Great Chance to Go Green from Scratch!

12903886_sOver the past several decades, building techniques and new construction materials have become more energy efficient, and many new innovations are also kind to the environment. Today, you can make your new home green – helping to protect natural eco-systems and minimizing pollution while still creating beautiful, comfortable, non-hazardous and healthy living spaces for you and your family.

Think green before starting any new construction project in Lenoir. Choose the most appropriate construction techniques and building materials, taking into consideration which materials and which methods are best suited for your specific geographical location. For example, heavy adobe walls with thick thermal mass will help to modify extreme changes in temperature while, in warmer climates, a lightweight construction design that attracts cooling breezes would be more appropriate.

Similarly, a glass wall may seem like a great design choice for a new construction, but before you have it installed, be sure to take into account the physical orientation of the house. If those big windows face south and they’re not shaded by an awning or overhang, your home could become unbearably hot in summer and expensive to air condition.

Whenever possible, choose materials with recycled content. As recycling continues to gain momentum, more and more new construction materials are being made from recycled products. Re-using them instead of throwing them into landfills helps to save valuable resources. When people actively look for and buy materials with recycled content, they are actually boosting the recycling industry. For example, post-consumer materials can range from anything from old bricks to glass bottles – all of which can be used again.

Cody Byrd

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